Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life for now

Since everyone says that I need to make a new post I thought I'd do so. Life seems to never have enough time any more. Work is good, however I'm grateful that we say our prayers and do what is right because all the apprentices in the yard are getting laid off next week. I'm the only one who will be staying thank goodness. I did receive some good news this past week, I found out that I will be able to take my Journeyman test in December!! That means that I'm done with my apprenticeship. No more progress reports, sweet..... Our family is good Jennis usually writes all that stuff so I won't say much. Lucas is growing up, he thinks he wants to be a big boy and wear underwear but still pees in them. He's our work in progress. Jacey and Taylor our getting big as well. I picked Jacey up to throw her up and almost threw out my back! She liked it though. My Mom is coming for Christmas so that is good news. That's all for now.